Wendy started writing Anthony Ant in 2019. She decided on an ant as the hero of her story and wanted him to teach the reader a life lesson. What this lesson should be, only became clear while watching ‘The Voice SA’ on television that year.
Among the contestants was a young man, Eon le Roux, who had been one of her Grade 5 pupils. She was extremely excited and immediately contacted him via Facebook to let him know that she would be cheering him on and eagerly watching his progress.
Wendy recalls Eon being an avid cricketer while at primary school and she always envisioned him following a sporting career, but also remembers a little boy who delighted in drumming away on his desk to a tune in his head and who proudly announced during an oral presentation that his ambition was to become a rapper. Suffice it to say that she was moved to tears while listening to his blind audition rendition of ‘Feeling good.’
Watching Eon’s confidence grow on The Voice, under the guidance of his coach, inspired her to write ‘Anthony Ant finds his groove.’

Eon le Roux performing in ‘The Voice’ South Africa.
Image Credit: Facebook